Knowledge Popularization
What can be done after the branches are crushed?
What can be done after the branches are crushed?
For safer and better maintenance of the machine, please read the following carefully:
How does a Gas Wood Chipper work?
Regardless of size/brand, wood chippers work in the same primary way: an internal engine (which may be electric or fossil fuel) powers the machine.
How to use the Log Splitter safely
1. Move The Splitter Near The Wood
Hauling all the logs to the skimmer is tedious, time-consuming, and can damage your back.
Instead, place the splitter close to the work area where the logs are stored to reduce the workload. Normally, most medium to large models have large wheels that allow easy towing.
After feeding branches and other wood into a chipper/shredder, you'll be left with nutrient-rich, organic material that can be repurposed in a variety of ways:
Choosing the Best Pneumatic Wood Chipper – 5 Things to Consider!
While using a log splitter can significantly ease the process of splitting wood, users might occasionally encounter some challenges. Understanding and troubleshooting these concerns is essential to ensure safe and efficient operation.
Choosing Between Gas Log Splitters, Electric Log Splitters, and Manual Log Splitters.
6-10 NOVEMBRE 2024
Esposizione Internazionale di Macchine
per l'Agricoltura e il Giardinaggio
Step-by-Step Guide to Using Mini Dumper Correctly.
As fall creeps into the colder season, you may notice dead trees or loose branches around your home.
When this happens, we encourage you to use a wood chipper to get the best out of your wood by converting the branches into wood chips.
Treated wood chips improve soil structure, increase water retention, and provide nutrients needed by plants. In addition, wood chips can be used as a surface mulch material to reduce water evaporation, inhibit weed growth, and maintain stable soil temperatures.
Wood chips are also one of the ideal raw materials for making compost. It can be mixed with other organic waste materials such as food scraps, lawn clippings and plant clippings in an integrated composting system to speed up the compost decomposition process.
The tips for using the log splitter, make your operation safer and more professional with the following steps.